Product development program 2020–2022 of Enterprise Estonia
HUUM OÜ received a grant from Enterprise Estonia for conducting project EU60210 within the scope of product development program 2020–2022.
Support obtained through the product development program is invested into the development of HUUM OÜ to increase its added value and sales turnover of new products. The company is committed to the continuous development of its products and technologies, with the objective of:
- making its entry into new business fields,
- expanding its product range, and
- differentiating itself from the competitors.
The implementation of respective activities ensures an increase in the company’s turnover, recognition of the trade mark and reinforcement of the corporate image, diversification of the product range and expansion of the business segment in target markets.
Total cost of the project is EUR 748 830 and the relevant grant received was EUR 336 973.50.